Why Subscribe?

I am a Melbourne (and occasionally Sweden) based writer and analyst.

In my day job I work for an an organisation called Asia-Pacific Development, Diplomacy and Defence Dialogue that seeks to build greater consensus and collaboration between the main arms of Australia’s foreign policy. I am also a columnist for the Asia-Pacific affairs publication, The Diplomat. Previously I wrote the weekly newsletter for Australian Foreign Affairs magazine, and have been an academic researcher at the University of Melbourne.

Here on Substack I write a weekly newsletter providing analysis of major or important issues, as well as how my weekly activities intersect with the wider world. I also provide links to interesting articles and podcasts from the week.

Alongside this I occasionally write longer-form pieces on a variety of subject matter, from domestic violence, the use of language, and political philosophy. The Substack is intended for the “everything is interesting” crowd.

At present all posts are free to read. However, paid subscriptions are obviously welcome and will allow me to dedicate more time to writing here. The lowest monthly sum Substack will allow is US $5 a month. But I can set a yearly rate lower. So I’ve set this to US $40. Prices should appear in your local currency.

Previously I also wrote long-form music reviews over on Lunch Hour Pops. However, I’ve shifted some of the best writing from that Substack over to a special section of A Bridge Adjusting To The Water. And any further articles in that style will appear here too.

I hope I can provide enough interesting analysis to be worthy of your generous subscriptions.

Subscribe to A Bridge Adjusting To The Water

A weekly newsletter on international affairs with analysis, essential articles and podcasts. With additional essays on issues of interest.


Melbourne-based writer | Columnist for @Diplomat_APAC | Editor @AsiaPacific4D | Formerly @AusForeign |